Sunday, October 12, 2008

DifferAnce yo!

So, at first this seemed like a total mind-fuck with a wild goose chase based on one letter. So, I guess what I got from this is Derrida is expanding on the word "difference" in French means both "to defer" and "to differ." Yo, I will not lie, I had to read some encyclopedia, wikipedia, and all kinds of mess to kinda get this bad boy. So, Wikipedia makes it a bit easier to read, it states, "In the essay "DiffĂ©rance" Derrida indicates that diffĂ©rance gestures at a number of heterogeneous features which govern the production of textual meaning. The first (relating to deferralis the notion that words and signs can never fully summon forth what they mean, but can only be defined through appeal to additional words, from which they differ. Thus, meaning is forever "deferred" or postponed through an endless chain of signifiers. The second (relating to differencesometimes referred to asespacement or "spacing") concerns the force which differentiates elements from one another and, in so doing, engenders binary oppositions and hierarchies which underpin meaning itself.

yup, inhale, hold it, release! Yeah, this is some real deal stuff that I still drift off and think about. What if words are nothing more than sounds to connect our brains to symbols. Is there no real significance to the word. So does that mean if we all call our feet blah blahs then a blah is a foot? Is language only relevant with the existence of other words that will differ from the original word. If so, then there needs to be a black and white world. A word can not mean something without a counterpart. So would the word woman mean nothing without the word man? Derrida is on another level.

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