Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Annie Hall is not a Sex Comedy, but ............?

Ricardo Alvarez

English 313

Professor Wexler

October 14, 2008

Response Paper


            There are complex films with dense plots, but all can eventually be placed within a certain genre.  Each film seems to follow a formula close to historical make-up of these films. In order to examine the structure of a film genre, one must know the history of film and how it incorporates the social climates of the current times. In McDonald’s Romantic Comedy, he states both of these factors as contributors to the direction of the genre. In examining the film, Annie Hall, there were several factors that could have placed this movie into an awkward grey zone. Woody Allen has a style that can umbrella over several genres, but Annie Hall elucidates a need for love and relationship with aspects of the Sex Comedy, gender role reversal, and social commentary.

            McDonald states there are several elements needed to call a film a sex comedy, such as people suffer under their intoxication— passion or emotion— behave like idiots. In Annie Hall, Woody Allen’s character, Alvy, is intoxicated with Annie. He is falls in love with her extreme contrast in personality and loses his cynical guard that he employs in his everyday life. Due to Allen’s intoxication, his character goes through some typical high jinks trying to express his love for Annie. This film was made in between the high points of the genre. Its 1977 release date places it in the middle of the birth and resurgence of the genre. The film does not fit all of McDonald’s criteria for a film to be considered a Sex Comedy, but this is mainly due to the strong gender role reversal.

            In Annie Hall, the view is greeted with Woody Allen speaking directly to the camera giving a social commentary. His character is neurotic and very cynical, but is always thinking of female counter-parts. In contrast the film has Annie, she appears to be a free spirited woman who is enjoying all aspects of life and does not have as many personal conflicts as Alvy does. As the film plays out, the couple has trouble in their sex life. Annie coupes with her sexual frustration with drugs as Alvy plead for her to refrain from drug use and see a therapist like he does. Men are usually the one expected to be carefree and do haphazard things in order to make life easier. The character of Annie is secure with herself as a person and feels she is enjoying life as thoroughly as possible, somewhat taking the typical male role in a relationship. Alvy on the other hand is nervous and concerned the relationship will end due to their differences and seeks help from a therapist. Simone de Beauvoir writes, “thus humanity is male and man defines women not in herself but as relative to him; she is not regarded as an autonomous being.” With in this film, Alvy’s character would not fit in as a “typical” male due to his passiveness of the females in his life. He had two ex-wives and Annie also seems to grow tired of Alvy and no longer needs him in her life; she is independent of any need for him in her life. All of these women are not defined by Alvy as a man, but contrast his passive unusual male characteristics.           

            In all media, viewers see influences of the social climate interweaved into the usual criteria for its genre. In Annie Hall, there is a lot of commentary of life being cruel and art allowing life to play out more happily. Alvy’s character is distressed throughout the entire film due to his uncertainty with himself in a changing world, and contrast between the world he is accustoming to and the evolving world. His struggles led him to the point of loneliness and he begins to see the contrast of locations more drastically.  Annie leaves to live in Los Angeles and Alvy goes after her to win her back. He finds the environment fitting to Annie’s personality, but he thinks that New York is a better place for them. There is also a heavy influence of drugs in the film. At the time of the film, drugs are past its taboo and are integrated into the movie to express the contrast of people who use or don’t. Annie uses drugs to enhance her sensation of freedom, but Alvy refrains due to his concern of his self-image as “unhip” or too old. The time frame of this film is right at the beginning of the free living cocaine 80’s that are depicted in the Los Angeles scenes.

            Annie Hall is a classic film that incorporates several factors of the Sex Comedy, gender role reversal, and social commentary. Woody Allen is well know for his cynical outlook on life and humanity, and utilizes this in his films mood and direction. Viewers are invite to view life through the lenses of a cynic, but also find his belief that art can allow life to play out as one may hope. Allen uses humor to guise pain and confusion, but this scenario may be as organic a human condition as possible.

Work Cited

Allen, Woody. Annie Hall. MGM.1977.

De Beauvoir, Simone. The Second Sex. Vintage Books. 1949.

McDonald, Tamar Jeffers. The Romantic Comedy: Boy Meets Girl Meets Genre. Wallflower Press.2007


Monday, October 13, 2008

The Comedy de Sexo...

McDonald lays out the three key events that led to the sex comedy:

1. Alfred Kinsey's report on Sexual Behavior in the human female. This was released in 1948 and stirred things up. It stated that half the women in the country are having unmarried sex. He interviewed 5,940 unmarried white 30-year-old women and over half were having sex. 

2. The new climate of anxiety and excitement over sexuality, both in men and women. The magazine Playboy first published in 1953 and was dedicated to enjoy a range of sensual pleasure;... Playboy was happy to pursue a resolutely urban line, celebrating indoor activities of which sex was the only one.

3. The release of the film, The Moon is Blue. 

All of these factors contributed to the creation of the sex comedy genre. The films seem innocennt at the times, but what impact did it have on the affirmation of gender roles. McDonald later writes about the shift or reversal of roles, but it still demeans the woman. Simone de Beauvoir wrote, "To decline to be the Other, to refuse to be a party to the deal – this would be for women to renounce all the advantages conferred upon them by their alliance with the superior caste."
This is reflected in the films when the female role has to switch to correspond with the "mood" of the male. The female in these movies is always the "Other."

In arguement to the first statement, it could also be argued that the sex comedy just portrays the changes in real life. If women are more sexually open, then why not make films that portray this. There is nothing overtly radical there.

But to play Devil's advocate again, in both scenarios, the woman is still portrayed as a "slave" to the man. Whether it's the woman wanting or avoiding sex, it still depicts the woman as the one chasing.

Regardless, it was interesting to see the historical context of the Sex Comedy and realize that it's been around longer than I had imagined. I guess when I heard Sex Comedy, I automatically thought over the top sex, like Porky's. Good article.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Desayuno at Tiffany's

Great book. The group that presented prompted a lot of great discussion questions. Good job people. 

I think there was a lot of ambiguity like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Capote seems to place Holly's character into an awkward situation for the times and the social setting. We find her somewhat lost in life-- some may say she knew exactly what she was doing, but did she really? There are many other characters that Capote places into not "normal" roles. We have the bartender who comes off as being gay, the narrator who seems to not be sure what he is ( asexual? metrosexual? gay?) who knows, and Capote utilizes all of them to elucidate to the fact that people can not be categorized. 

Another aspect to examine could be the view that Holly Golightly is a representation of Truman Capote in American society at the times. We see Holly as a person who is afraid of being held down and constrained by life. Holly also represents a character who portrays one thing, but is experiencing another thing. Capote at the times would be frowned upon and would either have to restrict who he was or be open and be looked upon as a manifestation of homosexuality. This is a great connection between the two, Holly and Capote, and also ties into what Prof. Wexler told us Prof. Andrews said. Andrews said to read the story with Holly as a gay man. Makes sense now... 


So, I had planned on going to the Peet's near my place in Westwood. Before I could go, my lovely girlfriend informed me that I was going to take her to the dentist and blah blah blah. So, here I am at the dentist office on Ventura in Encino. We were in the waiting room with a woman with a small child, and a young couple. Score. I was trying to listen to their convo and was preoccupied so my GF accused me of being distracted by the female of the young couple across from us. I explained the task at hand and here we go. I hid my observant face with an issue of ESPN the Mag and I love people who think they're whispering, but they're NOT! So I could hear their entire convo.

They had to be in their early 20s and seemed to be in a higher socioeconomic area then my GF and me. They had on all kinds of fancy name brand clothing on, and the male was spinning a Benz key on his finger as his GF was talking to him. She was telling him that it's not ok for him not to LET her go out with her friends. She was upset because she wanted to go out that night, but he responded that he doesn't like her to go out with her "slutty" friends. She was offended with his comment. His body language was totally disengaged. He was looking the other way as he spoke to her and she was staring right at him with a look of sadness and genuine concern. He never really seemed to break his position. 

She tried another time and asked what evidence he had to prove her friends were "sluts." He responded the way they dress and act. (Pretty vague, huh?). At this point she turned away and they he was called in a bit later. They went in and were gone a bit. My girlfriend came out before them and I didn't get to see the outcome of this one-sided quarrel. 

It was weird to see them, first they obviously were younger than my girlfriend and I, but definetly had a lot more money. They seemed to be in a totally different relationship too. The male in that relationship seemed to really control the female. Everything she said was shot down with a rude, and short answer. End of discussion for her. The only closure to the interaction may have been that they held hands going into the back. Maybe she knew this was a no-win battle for her. Who knows, but thats what I observed and wow, no thanks. I wouldn't want a partner who is going to do everything I say or allow me to control her. Yuk! Maybe its their age bracket. Who knows, but I hope she went out with her "slutty" friends. Word!


The Romantic comedy is a genre that seems to only get bigger. It's based on the fact that the majority of people just want to love or be loved. Whatever style of Romcom it is, it all goes back to the fact that most people enjoy love. Men seem to not really enjoy these "cheesy" movies, but I know I end up laughing or smiling during one of these "nothing better to do, Sunday Matinée" flicks. I personally would not be caught dead prompting the viewing of one of these films, but I can see their appeal. Woman also seem to be more in touch with their loving feelings, hence, they are the ones who seem to be targeted with this genre of film. A man would be lying if he said he never enjoyed a romcom at times. I'm not saying they're life changing events or great works, but for what they are, they're OK. Simply put, the romcom is what it is. They're not going anywhere.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Tennessee Williams' Cat on a hot tin roof is really cool due to the fact there is a role reversal in a time where it was completely unacceptable. The reader is lead through a story that seems to have all the "norms" in a struggling marriage in a dysfunctional family. I think to really see all of the ambiguity and struggle with Brick and everyone in his life, one should know Williams. It's know that he was gay and was never able to write openly about it so he weaved it into his works. Williams' life was a bit like Brick's and Williams elucidates to the fact that people are in cages and are placed in them by society. This book has many oppressors and oppressed, but they all have one thing in common-- they are placed into these situations and can not see an out. The group brought up some good points to portray the different aspects that could have been read in the book, and there are always many views of a work, but I feel that Williams is using his writing as a platform to express what he was not allowed to openly speak. 

ya' digg!

DifferAnce yo!

So, at first this seemed like a total mind-fuck with a wild goose chase based on one letter. So, I guess what I got from this is Derrida is expanding on the word "difference" in French means both "to defer" and "to differ." Yo, I will not lie, I had to read some encyclopedia, wikipedia, and all kinds of mess to kinda get this bad boy. So, Wikipedia makes it a bit easier to read, it states, "In the essay "Différance" Derrida indicates that différance gestures at a number of heterogeneous features which govern the production of textual meaning. The first (relating to deferralis the notion that words and signs can never fully summon forth what they mean, but can only be defined through appeal to additional words, from which they differ. Thus, meaning is forever "deferred" or postponed through an endless chain of signifiers. The second (relating to differencesometimes referred to asespacement or "spacing") concerns the force which differentiates elements from one another and, in so doing, engenders binary oppositions and hierarchies which underpin meaning itself.

yup, inhale, hold it, release! Yeah, this is some real deal stuff that I still drift off and think about. What if words are nothing more than sounds to connect our brains to symbols. Is there no real significance to the word. So does that mean if we all call our feet blah blahs then a blah is a foot? Is language only relevant with the existence of other words that will differ from the original word. If so, then there needs to be a black and white world. A word can not mean something without a counterpart. So would the word woman mean nothing without the word man? Derrida is on another level.

The second sexo

So, I was digging Simone de Beauvoir's thoughts on women as a second sex; the fact that she is able to clearly see the truth on the situation and speak up about it. de Beauvoir begins with stating historical patterns that women have accepted for too long. She writes, "woman is a womb." There is more to a human then reproductive organs, right? de Beauvoir also touches on femininity  and the essence of being a woman. She really doesn't go into essentialism, but it's the basic thought that things have a set of characteristics that make them what they are. It tends to catagorize humans. Such as men or women, heterosexual or homosexual. (Essentialism was the counterpart to Existentialism. Like Spy v. Spy style ya know. De Beauvoir was know to be hardcore influenced by existentialism and this lead to her obtaining the strength to write on the subject of sexuality, and woman. )
If this is the case with reality, then if you have some characteristics of another "thing," then you are that thing. So, if a woman does not display the "characteristics" of a woman, then she is not a woman? I think, like shoving all women into a box, is too simple. As humans, characteristics are too vague and open-ended to determine who a person is.

de Beauvoir also comments on women as men's slaves, and have never lived in an equal world. Could it be due to what is stated before? Prior she writes, "The reason for this is that women lack concrete means for organising themselves into a unit which can stand face to face with the correlative unit. They have no past, no history, no religion of their own; and they have no such solidarity of work and interest as that of the proletariat. They are not even promiscuously herded together in the way that creates community feeling among the American Negroes, the ghetto Jews, the workers of Saint-Denis, or the factory hands of Renault. "

This is a good point, but it still seems that women today have created a sense of unity. Feminism has and can be viewed as a collective unity. But like any group, some do not agree on the exact essence of Feminism, and will disband the unity.

I really enjoyed this article and it prompted a really good discussion with my girlfriend. We both agreed with Simone de Beauvoir, but disagreed with what "could" or "should" be done to attempt to level the playing field. Or, if it ever could be level. Wow stoner convo for sure.